School Chest
2020 School Chest Total:
About Fill a Heart 4 Kids
On an average day in America there are 120,000* orphans and foster children living in group homes or institutions. They believe no one wants them or cares about them. Many of their family members trafficked them for discount drugs. 1.3 million* homeless youths are living on the street ----- many were in the foster care system. They struggle to survive. 1 out of 4 youth are targeted by traffickers within 72 hours after becoming homeless. It's critical for communities to come together to help these desperate kids!
Fill a Heart 4 Kids gives unaccompanied homeless youth, at risk, and foster children educational support, necessities and positive experiences to help their heart's heal and restore their dignity - so they can achieve Brighter Futures!
What is School Chest?
For over 50 years, Deerfield High School has held an annual three-week long charity drive in November, called School Chest, to raise money for a selected beneficiary. During these three weeks, the efforts of the student body, staff, and surrounding Deerfield community are synthesized with the mission of raising funds and awareness for the beneficiary. Numerous events and initiatives, such as a silent-auction benefit dinner, a 3 on 3 basketball tournament, a spelling bee, a singing competition, and a 5k Run for Change, and daily food sales, are held as key means of fundraising during this three-week period. All School Chest events are entirely student-run. School Chest is truly magical--it unites the entire student body and community towards a common goal.